handmade curtains, blinds & cushions
handmade curtains, blinds & cushions
This site uses cookies – small text files that are placed on your machine to help the site provide a better user experience. In general, cookies are used to retain user preferences, store information for things like shopping carts, and provide anonymised tracking data to third party applications like Google Analytics. As a rule, cookies will make your browsing experience better. However, you may prefer to disable cookies on this site and on others. The most effective way to do this is to disable cookies in your browser. We suggest consulting the Help section of your browser or taking a look at the About Cookies website which offers guidance for all modern browsers
Cookies in use
Google Analytics (Performance)
We use Google analytics to track which pages are most popular, so we can focus on these areas to give you a better user experience.
The cookie __utmz is part of the service of analyzing and monitoring Google Analytics . It is a persistent cookie that expires, generally six months after the creation or updating (this value can vary depending on the configurations of the webmaster, see the table to know the actual date). The cookie __utmz contains an alphanumeric value that identifies your Google Account, a numerical value (timestamp) of its creation, some parameters related to the number of site visits and a range of information on the source, campaign and keywords typed. Stores the traffic source or campaign that explains how the user reached the site. The cookie is created by the execution of the JavaScript library and is updated each time the data is sent to Google Analytics.
The cookie __utmc is part of the service of analyzing and monitoring Google Analytics . It is a session cookie that is deleted when browser is closed. This cookie operates synchronously with __utmb , which goes hand in hand but will expire after 30 minutes after its creation . Through these two cookies Analytics is able to calculate, for example, the average time spent on the pages.
The cookie __utmb is part of the service of analyzing and monitoring Google Analytics . It is a session cookie that is deleted after 30 minutes after its creation and contains the numeric value ( timestamp ) of the time when you entered our site . This cookie operates synchronously with __utmc, which goes hand in hand but physically expires when you close your browser. Through these two cookies Analytics is able to calculate, for example, the average time spent on the pages. If you reopen the browser within 30 minutes – so there UTMC but only UTMB, is also under a new session.
The cookie __utma is part of the service of analyzing and monitoring Google Analytics . It is a persistent cookie that expires after 2 years after the creation or updating. The content is an alphanumeric value in the form of 6 groups of numbers separated by periods; the first 2 of variable length, the other 3 usually of 10 digits and the last variable. This information is sent to Google’s servers each time you open a page with the tracking code, and are used to calculate, among other things, the recent statistics on the visitor and the time elapsed since the last visit.
The cookie __utmt is part of the service of analyzing and monitoring Google Analytics . It indicates the type of request that is performed on the site (eg . Event, transaction, custom variable or element). Very often this cookie is presented with the addition of a suffix that identifies the meaning, so it is possible to trace in the form __utmtxxx where xxx is a series of alphanumeric characters or words that identify certain actions.
Google’s cookie policy can be found by clicking here.
viewlayout – Sets a basic text cookie that remembers if you selected the image or table view on SIM campaigns. Duration 7 days.
viewlayout1 – Sets a basic text cookie that remembers if you selected the functionality or SIM view. Duration 7 days.
Font Awesome
We use Font Awesome’s content delivery network to load icons, Font Awesome collects data about what icon files you download and when.
Font Awesome uses data about how you use Font Awesome content delivery networks to:
Font Awesome usually stores data about how you use content delivery networks in identifiable form for just a few weeks. In special circumstances, like extended investigations about technical attacks, Font Awesome may preserve log data longer, for analysis. Font Awesome stores aggregate statistics about use of content delivery networks indefinitely, but those statistics don’t include data identifiable to you personally.
Add to any
uvc .addtoany.com
These cookies are for the purpose of sharing pages and content that interests you on our site through third party social networking or other websites. Psc and xtc hold binary values. Uid, uvc and uit cookies hold random string values. – 2 years
uuid .addtoany.com
Tracking conversions and segmenting users for analytics – 365 days
page_services .addtoany.com
twitter/ google_plus/ LinkedIn – 10 years
__cfduid .addtoany.com
track sharing of pages – 1 Year
Google Maps
This is a unique identifier used by Google applications to store user preferences.
A persistent cookie, which expires a little under two years from the time it’s set. This is a unique identifier used by Google applications to store user preferences.
A persistent cookie, which expires a little under six months from the time it’s set. This is a unique identifier used by Google applications to store user preferences.
User preferences – End of browsing session
Twitter integration and sharing capabilities
We use Jetpack to track which pages are most popular, so we can focus on these areas to give you a better user experience. We do NOT track any personal data.
The cookies below store a randomly-generated anonymous ID and is used for general analytics tracking.
Turning Off Cookies in Different Browsers
The Help menu on the menu bar of most browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie and how to disable cookies altogether. Additionally, you can disable or delete similar data used by browser add-ons, such as Flash cookies, by changing the add-ons settings or visiting the website of its manufacturer.te of its manufacturer.
Wild sofa ltd trading as Warwick soft furnishings.
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